The story behind the brand

It all started with a dream…

I spent most of my childhood in boarding school in India. And that meant perfectly pressed school uniforms and shiny oxfords. It didn’t leave much room for fashion and style. The only fashion outlet was accessories, particularly jewelry.

I think that was the start of my love for jewelry. I loved going to the markets to look for new pieces to add to my collection. To then proudly wear it to school the next day. Life is funny that way, this brand feels like a full circle moment.

I’ve always wanted to be a business owner. Show my daughter how dreams and passions can be manifested into reality through hard work and drive. And when thinking of what business I wanted to pour my love into it was obvious, jewelry.

I wanted to curate a brand that captured beautiful minimalist jewelry that I adored. A brand where the pieces would be described as the cherry on top, the perfect accompaniment to an outfit. It is from this passion this brand was born.

I hope these pieces speak to you and you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed hand-picking them for you.

All my love,



Choosing jewelry that’s right for you.